
来自PDN的问候,我们希望在你的花园里一切都好。自从我们上一篇文章以来,从飓风艾克(Hurricane Ike)到股市像烫手山芋一样下跌,这段时间充满了挑战。我们对受到飓风艾克影响的人们和花园表示慰问。在德克萨斯州纳科多契斯(Nacogdoches)的斯蒂芬·f·奥斯汀马斯特植物园(Stephen F. Austin Mast Arboretum),园内的松林区不再有许多松树或任何种类的树木。我看到的照片显示,植物园遭到了惊人的破坏。同样,休斯顿的Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens也遭受了大风和洪水的严重破坏。加尔维斯顿岛的穆迪花园也遭受了严重破坏,但已经重新开放。我们的思想和祈祷与那些受风暴影响的人们同在。

在飓风Ike之外,这一直是夏天晚期的好处,并在它得到时下降。大多数东南部的温度远远低于正常,我们在每年降雨量之前都有7.5“以上的雨水。该国仍然有一些非常干燥的地区,包括西NC,东部TN,Upstate SC和南到亚特兰大的地区。

我们刚刚完成了我们的秋季库存,因为我们收缩数字并弄清楚哪些新的和返回工厂赢得了恩典的权利,我们的2009年目录的页面。While we’re pretty good at predicting sales numbers, we occasionally overpropagate or the catalog photo just wasn’t as good as we had hoped, so this is your chance to benefit from our errors as we clear out our overstocked plants with a 20% off sale. You can find the list of items which are on sale on our Sale Page. The sale is only valid on orders placed between now and November 2 for delivery by November 15. Enjoy.


In other news from the gardening world, Dr. H. Marc Cathey passed away on October 8 following a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease at age 79. Marc served two terms as president of the American Horticultural Society from 1974 to 1978 and again from 1993-1997. Marc began his studies at NC State University, with a BS in 1950, and later finished his Ph.D at Cornell. In 1956, he began his career at the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Beltsville, MD. After some pioneer work with day length and its use in forcing horticultural crops, he was promoted to Director of the US National Arboretum in 1981 where he remained until he retired from government service. During his career, Marc was the ultimate showman when it came to horticultural promotion. From the New American Garden concept to the Capitol Columns, to the 1990 USDA Hardiness Zone Map, Marc was unquestionably a marketing genius. With his flamboyant personality, Las Vegas style, and oversized ego, you either loved or hated Marc, but without question he tirelessly promoted gardening until the end. If I see you at the bar one night, we’ll share more Marc stories.




今年对大丽花来说是特别好的一年。通常,大丽花在春天开花,在炎热的夏天慢下来。因为大丽花喜欢凉爽的夜晚,所以我们在秋天的时候花开得最好。我们特别迷恋深色叶型,其中许多新品种最近发布,大多数来自欧洲育种计划。我们经常被问及冬天的耐受性,在我们的NC地区,大丽花是可靠的,当冬天留在地上。根据我们的经验,把大丽花种在温度仅为0华氏度的地区是没有问题的。因为大丽花是块茎植物,所以在秋天种植没有问题。D. ' Party '和D. ' Flame '是我个人最喜欢的,但我喜欢我的植物有点俗气。

毫无疑问,秋天的另一种植物是鼠尾草。鼠尾草实际上是一种木本亚灌木,我们把它当作多年生植物。像大丽花一样,它们在春天开始开花,但真正的表演是在秋天,因为夜晚凉爽。其他具有相同特征的鼠尾草品种包括美国本土的粉鼠尾草和南美的瓜拉尼鼠尾草。我不建议在秋天种植它们,如果你在同一区域,他们的最大耐受性。换句话说,不要在秋天种植第7区鼠尾草,而在第8区则可以。另一种鼠尾草只在秋天开花,因为白天变短了。这些植物包括巨大的黄色开花鼠尾草(Salvia madrensis),高大的蓝色穗的S. ' Blue Chiquita ',高大的亮色鼠尾草(Salvia leucantha)和微毛鼠尾草(Salvia puberula),以及明亮的红橙色鼠尾草(Salvia regla)。

不仅有秋天的良好诽谤,而且还有良好的丹参亲属,因为他们被踢出了丹参的替代性习惯。这些包括拉布西亚,腹股序,肝癌,rostrinucula,Leonotis和Lepechinia。Rabdosia longituba是五个必须有阴影的五个......没有太阳,或者它会像蓝眼睛的金发女郎一样燃烧。对我们来说,Rabosia从9月下旬到10月中旬进食,其中一百个小蓝色的花朵。它礼貌地重新分支,因此植物相应。Rostrinucula毫无疑问,我最喜欢的秋天开花植物之一,我不会花园。从地面,它在春天的爆发伸出4英尺的高度,并从8月下旬开始,它的花朵进入11月,覆盖着薰衣草的长篇终端柔顶丁香,在Catkin延伸时开放并在下行进展。这是那些让你微笑的酷植物之一。Lepechinia hastata是属的皇冠宝石,看起来像5英尺的丹参。薄荷醇的叶子作为一个漂亮的箔,留给八月的高大尖峰,持续到八月下旬至弗罗斯特。 Lepechinia is particularly drought and heat tolerant as well as being a favorite of hummingbirds. Leonotis is known in some gardening circles, but virtually unknown in others. Here in our part of NC, we are at the northern end of hardiness range for this gem. Leonotis is just coming into full flower with tall spikes of bright orange flower balls. There isn’t much unknown about perovskia, but after being the ‘flavor of the month’ for years as a staple of ‘The New American Garden,’ its availability has waned in recent years as growers moved on to other new introductions. Despite not getting the headlines it used to, it is still one of the stalwarts for hot, dry gardens. As is the case with most of these genera, drought tolerance isn’t an issue once the plants are established.

Cyclamen,特别是C. Hederifolium,今年刚刚超越自己。一如既往,他们于7月份开始为我们开花,并继续不停地进入秋天。早些时候,在我们了解到他们需要种植他们在夏季时,我们需要种植他们的地中海的成长。尽管灌溉,并在那里灌溉,我们寻找夏天无法湿润的地区。水中的树木和灌木附近的地区是完美的......只要它们没有完全黑暗。我们发现浅色阴影到几个小时的阳光是完美的。现在这些都很棒,因为他们继续在冬天种植。

我们都知道蟾蜍百合是林地花园秋天盛开的伟大花朵,我希望你已经探索了一些新的和不太知名的属成员。大多数人从腋生开花的毛狸开始,它仍然是这个属中最好的之一。另一种紫花种是匍匐茎的台湾三角花(Tricyrtis formosana),它不那么耐寒,但在夏末开花时间更长。也有一些杂交的T. formosana和T. hirta,包括T. ' Imperial Banner '和T. ' Sinonome '。除了巨大的斑驳的树叶,我们的T. ' Imperial Banner '在这个秋天简直是惊人的开花。

许多人都种植红色的火辣辣的火钳,但大多数常见的品种和栽培品种都是在春季或夏季种植的。Kniphofia rooperi是为数不多的例外之一,因为它在8月底到9月初开花,现在仍在开花。我特别喜欢头状花序,它较短,但比春天开花的品种宽得多。如果你没有种植这种伟大的植物,我想你会发现它很出色。

你通常不会想到秋天开花的黑人,但美国东南部,C. helianthoides和C. integrifolia在一年中的这一时期只是令人惊叹。两种物种都是散布植物,原产于湿土,但两者都是最干燥的花园斑点的令人惊叹的花园标本。我们目前卖掉了C. Oredifolia,但在您的春季列表中放在您的清单上。

我们都知道观赏草是秋季花园的支柱,但很少能与毛毛蕨的“白云”相提并论。不幸的是,这颗宝石在我们秋季开放日的四周后才会开花,所以游客们不能亲眼看到它。4英尺高× 4英尺宽的丛生的这种伟大的本土植物现在顶部有飘逸的白色花朵的羽毛。另一种最受欢迎的秋季开花植物是巨大的甘蔗,Saccharum arundinaceum。这种草不适合心脏虚弱的人,它有12英尺长的薰衣草羽毛,在10月中旬开放。

在本月的前25个,在前30名中没有新的举动,虽然芦荟多酚,龙舌兰'克雷梅尔',anisacanthus wrightii,和铁线莲的'stolwijk金'潜伏在后面。高等骨骼'Nothowlee'继续爬升,向上进入第三次位置,在那里它需要一个巨大的飞跃来超越前2年的末端。The lovely and talented Salvia chamaedryoides moves into 7th place, while Tiarella ‘Pink Skyrocket’ also cracks the Top 10. It is amazing to be this close to the end of the season and still find 3 agaves in the Top 10 and 6 in the top 30. Gaillardia ‘Fanfare’ has made a late season move, jumping from 20th to 15th, but no other significant moves took place. We hope your choices have put you in place to win our $250 Plant Delights gift certificate.




- 托尼