
我最近有很好的机会the day with NC State plant breeder, Dr. Dennis Werner in his extensive redbud breeding plots. So far, four redbuds have been named and released, including Cercis ‘Ruby Falls’ (weeping purple leaf), Cercis ‘Whitewater’ (weeping variegated leaf), and Cercis ‘Merlot’ (upright purple leaf with better color retention), and Cercis ‘Pink Pom Poms’ (double pink flowered upright). The new plants in the pipeline are almost unimaginable, from foliage colors to size, form, and even leaf shape. If you’ve never bred plants, it’s hard to imagine the incredible amount of thought, work, and time it takes to create such an amazing array of plants. Even though Dr. Werner has now retired, he will be continuing his work as a JC Raulston Arboretum volunteer plant breeder…how cool! We’re saving some room in our garden for more of these exciting introductions that will be coming soon.


  1. 非常感谢您让我们知道这些新的录音带!我喜欢红色绑定,并且有一个多样的美女,经过多年的美丽,几年前突然死亡。我一直渴望得到另一个,还有一个哭泣的紫色。我希望这些红细包将很快出售!
    Please keep us posted.

  2. 2年前,我种了一个很小的红宝石瀑布。我已经将其固定了,现在它的身高将近6英尺,我将让它哭泣。想知道我是否应该将其围起来,保持原样,或者是个人选择。

    • 确实是个人选择。植物可作为高移植物或低移植物,具体取决于您的预期用途。花园游客可以在东北角的Souto花园中找到我们的CERCIS“ Ruby Falls”。

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