Attracting Butterflies to the garden


We love plants that attract butterflies to the garden, and here at Juniper Level Botanic Garden, it’s been a banner year for butterflies.葱“千年”永远是黄色燕尾的最爱……这是本周的图像。See the top 25 flowers that attract butterflies here

eupataorium diubium小乔和黄色燕尾

乔·派韦(Joe Pye Weed)…又名Eupatoriumis always a butterfly favorite. Here is a photo this week with yellow swallowtails taking a sip of Eupatorium dubium.

Eupatorium dubium with pipevine swallowtail The pipevine swallowtails were enjoying the sameeupatorium以及黄色的燕尾。您可以找到我们所有蝴蝶最爱的链接here。We hope you’ll plant to bring nature into your garden.

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