A Fairy Wing and a Prayer

Epimediums have long been a staple of the woodland perennial garden, but it wasn’t until plantsmen like Darrell Probst (US) and Mikinori Ogisu (Japan) began discovering and sharing the amazing wealth of unknown Chinese fairy wing species that their popularity began to take off.

直到1998年,epimediums才开始出现在植物中,因为在此之前,可用的园艺产品并没有那么令人印象深刻。像Epimedium X Youngianum'Niveum'这样的植物很难兴奋……如果您有很多园艺脉搏。可悲的是,这仍然是大多数花园零售商中最主要的选择。

Epimedium X Youngianum“ Niveum”


当我们准备第一次提供epimediums时,我们面临着要使用三个通用名称中的哪一个。仙女翅膀,芭蕾舞团和角质山羊杂草。好吧,从该列表中进行选择并不需要太多的营销。就是说,如果我们知道色情巨星罗恩·杰里米(Ron Jeremy)很快就会有自己的台词epimedium片出于男性增强目的,我们可能已经重新考虑。

PDN/JLBG epimedium trials and study area


Since 2000, we’ve introduced over 27 of our own epimedium selections with more in the queue. Here are a few that we’ve already introduced that have proven to be excellent performers. We hope you’ve tried them all.

So, what’s next? Here’s a sneak peak of some of selections that have passed the final stages of in-ground trialing and are ready to head to container production trials. Our standards include good garden vigor, good floral showiness, and uniqueness from all other epimediums on the market. We like to think our standards are pretty high. We’d love to hear which of these future introductions below are your favorites.

15 thoughts on “A Fairy Wing and a Prayer

  1. 而且,我在想​​到您以前的信息后,一些epimediums也可能是一个很好的“裙子”植物。我有一个没有命名的,但看起来像你的宇宙明星。我认为即使不在花中,它们也是很棒的植物!

  2. 唯一不诱惑我的人是“诱惑”,所有其他人都是独一无二的,尤其是喜欢叶子。
    多年前,哈罗德·爱泼斯坦(Harold Epstein)在他的花园旅行中将我介绍给我的epimediums。我仍然有那个活动的Youngianum niveum,将其从NJ带到NC。肯定是一个缓慢的撒布机,我仍然喜欢它。它很精致,非常适合将岩石之间的小空间塞入小空间。如果我没有时间在新的增长出现之前切断旧茎,那就没问题了。
    It seems that Epimediums are going the way of Heucheras – too many options, not all distinct, but great plants for woodland ground cover and too expensive to use in mass for that purpose.

  3. 我喜欢“闪光灯”;橙色的“中心”令人震惊。冬天有这些照片吗?我有epimedium sempervirens“紫罗兰女王”,冬季的鲜红色叶子给人留下了深刻的印象。

  4. My favorites: Chocolate Eclair and Little Dazzler. Spring Sunrise and Cinnamon Coconut win Honorable Mention.

    I have several epimediums; they’re really “growing on me.” Love your Sandy Claws and Amber Queen, as well as good old E. x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’

    • If you want to propagate your own hellebores, growing them from seed is the easiest and most common way. Hellebore seeds ripen in May and June, and must be sown fresh since the viability of hellebore seed decreases rapidly in storage. Once the seed is ripe, it can be surface-sown in a pot of potting soil or in a well-prepared outdoor seedbed … do not cover the seed. Keep the soil slightly moist during the summer and be sure to leave the pot outdoors in fall. Once the seed has been subjected to adequate cold temperatures, it will begin to sprout. The chilling can occur in a refrigerator, provided you remember to remove the seeds when they begin to sprout and you have an understanding spouse. Helleborus lividus and Helleborus x sternii are some of the first seed to sprout, followed by Helleborus foetidus, then Helleborus x hybridus. In the garden, you can also simply allow the seed to fall to the ground, where it will germinate the following late February/early March.

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