
回到2004年,我植物化了在路易斯安那州的乡村生物佛罗里亚教区,我遇到了这一迷人的窄叶原住民,这是一小块回到家试用。After six years of trialing, we named it Carex retroflexa ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ (alluding to the location where the famous pair met their demise) and added it to our catalog offerings, where it sold a whopping 150 plants over a four year span, ending in 2013. The term “whopping” is used here as a point of sarcastical understatement. Not wanting to discard all of the unsold plants, we planted them around our new patio, where they were interspersed with Heuchera ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ and Penstemon ‘Blackbeard’. Here are a few images from that planting, taken this week. Maybe as the interest in carex increases, we can afford to offer this again.

Carex Retroflex'Bonnie和Clyde'
Carex Retroflexa'Bonnie和Clyde',Heuchera'烟雾和镜子',Penstemon'Blackbeard'(背景)


Dichromena Latifolia在Flower3 我们最喜欢的本土植物之一是花园中的满花......不寻常的白冠军。Dichromena(Rhynchospora)Latifolia在夏季中夜发生奇怪的白花尖峰之前,使一个缓慢的散布贴片。虽然通常在季节性淹没的地点发现,但我们发现它还在除了最干燥的花园网站之外的所有标本中也是一个伟大的标本。