
随着Hymen Flowers(又名Hymenocallis)仍然是进步的,因为墨西哥北部的墨西哥物种现在是香水的香水。该属在春天开始开花,如果你种得各种各样的物种,你可以有鲜花,直到夏末/初秋。这是一张照片,我们最近在花园里服用了Hymenocallis Pimana。虽然许多Hymenocallis更喜欢非常潮湿的土壤,但我们将其在干燥的床上生长在龙舌兰和仙人掌中。从傍晚开始,鲜花发出了像储藏室的芬芳,以吸引晚间飞蛾为生殖活动。While we also like the more commonly sold Dutch hybrids, which are actually intergeneric crosses with the South American Ismene, we think the North American native species are far superior as garden plants, so we’ve always wondered why these don’t sell nearly as well as they should.


  1. 这些看起来非常像圣尼古拉斯蜘蛛百合
    Hymenocallis Harrisiana,我在我的花园里。我认为他们是来自墨西哥的多样性。他们不会在休斯顿的9月下旬或10月下旬绽放。我爱他们!

  2. 哇!这个物种是美丽的,生长干燥!原谅这篇文章的长度,但我最近一直在考虑这个属(也许)我可以发表良好的话。主要是我缺乏对他们的任何知识。我最近得到了Scott Ogden的“南方的花园灯泡”,它睁开了眼睛,令人难以置信的种类,特别是那些来自南方的人!I used to think, from reading something, somewhere, that a) they were marginally hardy at best (I garden in a somewhat colder part of 7b about two hours NE of y’all in VA) and b) they were also strictly marginal – as in bog – plants. Put together and I figured that they wouldn’t last the winter unless I could create a position constantly moist in summer, very dry in winter – hard to do and hard to choose to do for the budget-restricted, young (age 24) gardener. Anyway, any considerations of offering it in the future, like next year? I’ve been on a hardy amaryllid-collecting kick the last year and a half.

  3. Hymenocallis'新狮子'和H. Traubii今年夏天在花园里美妙地绽放。如果您决定再次提供它,我很乐意掌握H. Pygmaea。

